Sunday, September 15, 2013

Looking good...

The rain has stopped which has been a blessing as being up to my ankles in mud was starting to get annoying. I have finished the steps outside my apartment in the back garden which is awesome as I have been waiting sort out the balcony for a while now. The rear balcony although safe was sagging in places so I decided to use some of the old Mahogany roof beams to level it up a bit and give it a bit more support as I am going to add quite a bit of weight with the hand rail upstairs.
Putting up the pillars
It was tough work getting the beams up as they weigh a lot but with ropes and a hydraulic car jack I managed to get them up and straighten the balcony. 
Pillars in place
Now that this is finished the guys have started the plastering of the outside downstairs which is awesome as its looking like I will be able to move in soon.
Infiltration pit
I have had a lot of bad luck with tools this last week my skill saw, drill and chainsaw have all broken which sucks. They are all covered but warranty but I soon found out that  it is not worth the paper it is written on. If you buy something here after sales service is non existent. One place actually told me it is not their problem - go to the manufacturer (on a 2 day old chainsaw).
Plastering under the balcony
The plumbing has been coming along nicely - I am about 80% finished downstairs so not far off finishing. Due to all the rain the cistern filled up with water - ok I know its meant to be full of water but I hadn’t finished the inside of it so that is now all drained - so I am hoping I can get that finished in the next week or so as I am building a little shed to house my pressure tank and pumps which means I will soon have running water - exciting stuff.
I have also started putting my infiltration into place - the big hole in the ground was starting to annoy me. So I aim to get that finished tomorrow - hopefully that will stop the river running through my house when it rains!
My finished pillars
So a pretty short update but I am very excited at the moment, it is finally coming together.


  1. JD again. Have you ever though of having all or part of your rainwater running into your cistern? Probably some of the cleanest water it would see. You could even have an overflow drain at the top of your cistern that could flow the excess water to your infiltration pit. During the rainy season, your cistern would always be full! Food for thought.

  2. Catching rain water into the cistern can be a good idea depending on where it's coming from and where you are using it. While rain water itself is pure, the primary method of catching (your roof) it isn't. The roof is constantly bombarded with airborne dirt and pathogens, bird feces, rat droppings and dead insects. All of which will run right into the cistern and build up at the bottom when you add roof runoff water to it. The options would be to have 2 cisterns, one for potable water and another for grey water (toilets, outside pipes, etc...). The other option would be to invest in water treatment system which could cost you upwards of US$2,000.

    1. That, or you could attach a pipe that leads to a smaller water treatment system, so that you can use the same rainwater tank for both drinking water and plumbing needs. That way you don’t have to get two tanks and you still get potable water in the process.


  3. I did think about having a separate tank for the rain water but the cost is prohibitive at the moment - maybe one for the future!

  4. O my goodness. I did not realise how intensive this project of yours was until just now, Chris. It's looking amazing so far though! Keep going strong! Looks like you'll be in before Christmas. I hope it stays dry for you!

  5. O my goodness. I did not realise how intensive this project of yours was until just now, Chris. It's looking amazing so far though! Keep going strong! Looks like you'll be in before Christmas. I hope it stays dry for you!

  6. This is truly looking good. Thankfully, the rain stopped and you were able to continue the pending work. It's a relief that the drainage and other plumbing concerns in your home are coming along nicely. Somehow, your loads of work will lighten up. Good luck!

    --->Levi Eslinger @


  7. خدماتنا متميزة عن غيرنا في مجال التسريبات سربات المياه والعوزال وحل بطرق سليمة دون التدمير فعندنا في شركة ركن البيت افضل يوجد افضل الفنين الممتزين في مجال التسربات والكشف عنها بدون اي مشاكل من خلال الطاقم التي تم تدريبه في شركة كشف تسربات المياه بالدمام فتعاملك معنا ستحصل علي خدمات متميزة

    شركة كشف تسربات المياه بجدة
    شركة كشف تسربات بجدة
    شركة عزل خزانات بالرياض
    شركة عزل اسطح بالرياض

    شركة كشف تسربات بالدمام
    شركة كشف تسربات بالرياض
    شركة كشف تسربات المياه بالرياض
    كشف تسربات المياه
