Monday, April 14, 2014

So near yet so far...

Ok, it has been a while since my last post. I realized the other day that it is getting close to a year that I started work on this project - time really does fly. When I started I targeted a very optimistic 6 - 8 months completion time - obviously that was not even close but hey. It did get my ass in gear though, I have set a date of two more months to finish.

Finishing off front rooms
The finishing details take a lot of time to complete - just because a room has walls, plumbing and power does not mean its finished. My mum who has been helping over the last 5 months is leaving tomorrow and she was determined to finish all the painting - which see did!
painted and almost tilied
She has done an awesome job, the walls are one thing but the ceilings were very time consuming!
Downstairs ceilings
It has turned out great, I am so pleased with the final results. I have just one and a half rooms to finish tiling down stairs and that means the downstairs floors will be finished. I realized when looking through my blog the other day that all the photos were of the back part of the property, well finally we have a few here of the main rooms.
A lot of mess - but all painted
There were two rooms in the house that I have been leaving till the end - two upstairs bathrooms. I didnt have any intention of touching these until I had finished everywhere else as I hadn't even finished the plumbing. However I finally got around to finishing them - the plumbing and floors at least. All ready for tiling!
Two of the upstairs bathrooms - plumbing installed
Now, against my preference UNESCO made me install a wooden floor in the main house which has been on my list to finish for a while now. I was having a bit of a dilemma about how to fill the gaps between the boards - ended up going for slivers of wood which you hammer and glue in.
Upstairs front room
Due to not being able to find a floor sander in this country I have completed about half of it just using power tools - a pain and very time consuming but needs to be done. Stain plus oil and they are starting to look good.
oiled floor
I have been completing lots of little jobs in between doing the floors such as the drainage in the garden. When it rained really hard my two inch pipe I installed for the overflow of my infiltration system was just not enough and would start to create a little pond in the garden. It has been one of those little jobs that I kept on saying I would get around to... So I finally started it, new bigger pipe getting installed - I really do not like changing work that has already been completed but this needed to be done. Even Katherine was helping...
A helping hand
I even got around to finishing the laundry - almost. Roof is on and the washing machine and sink are installed.
Storage has been a bit of an issue as we have been finishing rooms so as the laundry roof was so high I built in an attic room to store all my building tools and materials.

laundry attic
We have started a sign post tree in the garden for guests and people that have visited so far. Not many up at the moment but it will soon grow.
Sign posts
I havent actually explained on here what I will be doing with the property yet so my next post will explain all! Until next time...

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